Sporting Event Security in Spain Case Study

The Problem

A major sporting event, a boxing training camp featuring celebrities, was held in Valencia, Spain. The organisers had concerns about unauthorised entry, attendees attempting to enter the ring without permission, and a concern about the potential for a security presence to intimidate the audience.

The Solution

The team at Titan Security Europe, with over 30 years of experience in event security, consulted with the client to identify their key concerns. They developed a tailored security plan to address the client’s needs:

  1. One guard was placed at the entrance to check tickets and prevent unauthorised entry.
  2. Two guards were stationed near the ring to ensure that no one entered without authorisation, reducing the risk of injury to audience members.
  3. To minimise intimidation, the guards were dressed in casual clothing similar to the venue staff while still carrying their security badges.

The Outcome

The casual dress of the security guards prevented any hostility or feelings of intimidation among the audience. The event proceeded without any of the anticipated security concerns due to the effective guarding measures implemented by Titan Security Europe. Although this was a one-time event, we hope to work with the client again for future events across Spain.

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